December 20, 2008
Happy Winter!
This coming week is going to be busy for me, time has caught up with me and I still have quite a few things to do before Christmas Eve. I have 5 people to shop for, Kylie and I need to get hair cuts and I need to buy Kylie new shoes to go with her Christmas dress. So that is what I will be working on from now until Christmas Eve.
I hope you all have a blessed Christmas and a very safe and Happy New Year!
November 28, 2008
Happy Day After Thanksgiving!
November 15, 2008
A Recipe to Share...
2 – 3 cups Penne Pasta (you can use any pasta you have)
1 pound uncooked Italian sausage links
½ cup beef broth
½ green pepper cut into strips (I use a full green pepper)
½ red pepper cut into strips (I use a full red pepper)
½ yellow pepper cut into strips (I use a full yellow pepper)
2 Romano Tomatoes sliced and then cut into four pieces
½ onion or 1 small onion diced
2 tablespoons olive or vegetable oil
4 tablespoons basil
Salt – to taste
1 - Cook and drain pasta as directed on package
2 - Cut Sausage links crosswise into ¼ inch slices. Spray non stick skillet with cooking spray; heat over medium high heat. Add sausage, cook sausage until brown and no longer pink in the middle. Stir in beef broth. Cover and cook over medium heat 5 minutes.
3 – Add diced onion, tomatoes, peppers and 2 tablespoons basil. (I also add 1 or 2 cloves fresh garlic) Stir and heat to boiling; reduce heat. Cover and simmer 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
4 – In a mixing bowl, toss pasta with 2 tablespoons oil and 2 tablespoons basil. Divide pasta among bowls and top with sausage mixture.
November 13, 2008
Blessings in Times of Sadness
At a family wedding in 2006. She still always has her sense of humor. That is her making funny faces with my cousins! Before that picture was taken we were dancing with her while she was in her wheel chair.
Grandma and I outside in front of her home - 2008
November 12, 2008
In Memory of Midnight
November 11, 2008
Veteran's Day

You are my best friend, the love of my life, and my hero. It takes a strong man to do what you did when you were in The Marines. You were surrounded by many difficult circumstances, danger and war, which all tested your faith, strength and ability to continue. Thank you for all the sacrifices you made for our country, I am so proud of you. I'll never forget how worried about you I was when you were in Kosovo. I was so scared for your safety. I was in church on my knee's praying God would keep you safe and bring you back home, and He did. I love you so much and am so very very proud of you!
November 9, 2008
Saturday Morning Breakfast
Apple Cinnamon Pancakes (so yummy)...
He makes many other things too, one of the girl's favorite's is Princess Pancakes! Every once and awhile he will surprise the girl's with a Prince next to the Princess.
Shopping at The Mall
Fun Fall Day's
playing in the leaves...
and being cute...
At one point she decided to grab handfuls of leaves and run towards mommy and throw them at me. We had so much fun!
Once big sister came home from school, we had more fun!
October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Miranda (Princess) and Kylie (Baby Chick) 2006
Miranda (Snow White) and Kylie (Cow) 2007
Miranda (Witch) and Kylie (Care Bear) 2008
More Picures......
Our Love Story...
During the 1994 – 1995 school year our friendship grew even more. We both did not talk about being romantically involved but we had both thought about it. The last day of school we saw each other and wished each other a good summer and said our goodbyes. All summer long I couldn’t stop thinking about Jason. I wanted to call him on the phone, but I didn’t know his phone number. I looked it up in the school phone directory and saw that he lived in a town that I was unfamiliar with and it was in a different area code then mine. I hadn’t ever heard of that town and I was afraid to call him because I thought my parents would get upset since it might be a long distance call. So I never did call him. Meanwhile he was thinking about me all summer too, but did not call me.
At the start of the next school year, 1995 –1996, Jason was the first person I saw when I walked into school for book day. We both were very happy to see each other, with gleaming smiles. We talked about what we did over the summer. Jason told me he got a pager. I asked him to give me the pager number so I could page him. I paged him that night, he called me back and we talked for hours on the phone! That school year we started dating and our relationship grew even stronger. Jason and I went to all the school dances together. (Home Coming, Winter Ball, Spring Fling and Prom)
We spent a lot of time together. I went to Sectional’s with his parents to see Jason swim, I also went to Jason’s brother’s wedding and Jason went to my graduation dinner dance with me and my family. After I graduated, I went to a local college but Jason and I still continued our love relationship while he was still in high school. In September 1996 he threw me a Surprise 19th Birthday Party and in October we went to his Homecoming dance together. We had our first break up shortly after that dance. Jason had decided to join The Marine Corp after he graduated from high school and I didn’t think our relationship could continue because he would be away for so long. We remained friends through the rest of the school year, even though we were not dating.
Jason graduated, and went off to boot camp. While Jason was in boot camp we communicated through letters. I always looked forward to receiving a letter from him. After he was in boot camp for about 1 month, in our letters, we wrote about our feelings for each other, and how they never changed. We still very much loved each other and wanted to be together. In September 1997 Jason graduated boot camp and was able to come home for a weekend. That is when we started to date again. I helped his family arrange a party for him at his brother’s house. On July 3rd 1998, Jason got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I was surprised but happy. During our engagement, Jason was stationed in North Carolina. He was out of the country for a total of 1 year on two 6 month deployments. We did not see each other very much but for short visits before his deployment and after. We communicated through letters and once and awhile he would be able to call me. The last 6 months before our wedding he was out of the country. He came home less then a week before our wedding. We got married in September 2000! We went on a very short honeymoon because less then a week after our wedding I moved to North Carolina with Jason. We lived there for about 8 months as a married couple, then Jason’s 4 yr enlistment was over and we moved back home to Illinois.